Passion Fruits have a high demand, locally as well as for export. The global demand on Passion Fruits is continiusly increasing driven by the general increasing wealth causing a higher willingnes to pay for premium products. Due to the high manual efforts in the productions procress and the sensitivity to the climate only at few places on the earth an economically viable production facility can be established.

A major challenge is the planting process: Each plant requires a planting hole of at least 1,5”x1,5” length and width and also 1,5”-2” depth. To be filled with 50% of topsoil and 50% of manure. Then we need poles for supporting the trellises that are mandatory for the passion fruits to climb and build laterals. Each tree “climbs up” on a string up from the bottom to the trelly, from there it spreads about 1,5m to the left and right and builds 2-3 laterals on which the fruits will grow. One pole is required for each two plants at a population of 700 trees per acre we required 350 poles per acre of 7 ft and 2.000m of stainless wire.

Once this is done, one must know that passion fruits are highly sensitive regarding hygienics. The wide spreads Woodiness Disease cannot be healed, and affected plants must be uprooted and burned. Regarding this disease, viral hygienic is on top of the list: Whenever a plant is treated (especially pruned), the knife is being disinfected before used at another plant to avoid spreading of infections.

Inspections by Kephis (Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service) have confirmed our plants being healthy and free of the woodiness disease.

The complete plantation receives daily professional care guided by our Chief Agronomist and his team. The professional execution of a Spraying Plan, correct pruning to guarantee efficient growth, keeping the soil clean are key Factors for a successfull production.